My First Post

Anowa Jude
Jun 3, 2021

I have for long toyed with the idea of starting a Medium account and attempt to write something.
My medium posts are going to be random since my biggest challenge is FOCUS, so whatever my mind lets me settle upon to write will be what’s going to be on my post.
welcome to my journey. It would be entertaining for some, inspirational for others, insightful to others and also boring for most because the inside of my head is “one kain” and i will try to share that vast junk room with this account and maybe anyone reading.

N.B : My thoughts on this journey to becoming a successful startUp founder will also be regularly documented here.

Welcome to my MIND

N.B: Wrote this post 4 years ago, never finished it, never published it



Anowa Jude

StartUp enthusiast, trying to build my dreams, failing sometimes but always learning. I will try any tech product.